Parking Lot Site Assessments & Inspections
Visual inspections for Superior Safeguarding
As an asset owner, it’s your job to protect the properties you manage. Not only for the safety of those who use them, but also to maintain those entities’ value.
At A.A.T. Infrared, Inc., we know that your time is valuable and every minute inspecting a jobsite counts. Yet, we also understand that well-informed decisions for your properties start with a proper assessment. If you don’t inspect it, you can’t fix it – and the cost of repairs escalates when issues aren’t caught early.
With this in mind, we empower property owners and property managers to create and maintain the BEST commercial, industrial, medical, educational and residential properties. And we help you do it efficiently, maximizing planning and budgets.
What starts with the parking lot goes so far beyond. Asphalt, Sealcoating, Crackfilling, Striping concrete and drainage – you need data to make decisions. We give you that and more.
Our full-property site assessment transforms inspection and inventory.
Our qualified professionals tell you what you need to do now, and in the future.
displays and stores detailed data in a way that makes sense – and is always there, even when property managers change.
Our highly rated company will be the trusted partner you turn to again and again.
A.A.T. Infrared, Inc. Pavement Services
Our team of experts have spent years in training and in the field , homing in their expertise and learning the most efficient ways to complete projects. These trusted individuals know how to complete in-depth inspections that make the most of your time and budget.
The A.A.T. Infrared team makes it easy by:
- Structuring your risk assessment and speeding up mitigation
- Receiving historical property data and storing new data in one place
- Streamlining the property management role
- Providing an unbiased approach to work scope selections
- Making quotes fast and easy
We have found a way to better handle your toughest tasks.
How It Works
We manage project efficiencies in just 3 easy steps:
#1. We do the legwork. After we have a discovery call, we visit and make a recommendation on the next steps.
- ? Unlocking the key to your success: Is this a short-term hold property or a long-term investment? We’ll help you accomplish what you need to in the time and budget you have.
#2. You select your site assessment plan level. All reports include item locations, live map data, photos, videos and detailed descriptions on HUNDREDS of data points inspected.
- ? All site inspections are not created equal. Very few have this much detail at all levels.
#3. We inspect and report. We assess visible distresses, use intrusive techniques where necessary and report back. Your assessment is a shared link or printable, easy-to-read and based on decades of experience. You decide on the scope of your projects based on assessed need and your budget.
Our customers tell us we have the most comprehensive reports on the market.
Why You Should Work with Us
You can’t manage what you don’t measure. A.A.T. Infrared, Inc., enables you to track work that’s been done or passed on and what happened as a result. We take the guesswork out of planning and budgeting.
Hate surprises? So do we. With a proper assessment there will be no more:
- ADA violations
- City code infringements
- Overflowing drains, runoff and flooding
- Stacks of paper reports
Put an end to expensive mistakes today. Contact us to schedule your assessment.
Everyone Wins When We Inspect
We’re here to help, manage and guide you through the process of budgeting, property maintenance and reconstruction. It’s our job to make your lives easier.
It’s time to leverage technology to do your job faster and smarter. It’s time for the best solution to measuring your property’s needs. It’s time for people, processes and products you can count on. It’s time to maximize the lifespan of our property’s assets across Rockford, Loves Park, Belvidere, Poplar Grove, Capron, Winnebago County, Roscoe, Rockton, Beloit, South Beloit, Pecatonica, Winnebago, dekalb, Sycamore, Genoa, Elgin for a comprehensive site assessment from AAT Infrared, Inc.
Contact us today for pavement maintenance made easy.