Thermal Patching / Saw Cut Patching
If you’re looking for asphalt contractors who can provide fast turnarounds on asphalt repairs, then you’re going to need a team who offers infrared thermal patching services. With over 20 years in business, we’re the team who’s embraced innovation and mastered the art of thermal patching. Call us at (815) 966-0164 for a quote on our services.
Get a QuoteThe Leading Experts in Infrared Road Repair
When your driveway, parking lot, or roadway has a pothole or pavement damage, there are two repair approaches. There is the traditional approach—the saw cut method—and the new approach, which utilizes an infrared panel. Calling the saw-cut method ‘traditional’ is a nice way of saying it is outdated and inefficient.
If you want that pothole fixed with minimal disruption, stick with the team whose first instinct is to deploy the infrared thermal patch method. With years of experience in repairing potholes and deep cracks, we’re the team you can count on.
We follow every step of the IRR (Infrared Road Repair) process to the letter. Our services have been sought after by everyone from business owners to charitable organizations like the Salvation Army!
Thermal Road Repair for Potholes and Parking Lots
Repairing a pothole on a road or in a public parking lot can be frustrating. No matter how big or small the pothole is, fixing it will create just as big of a disturbance as the pothole itself. With infrared heating, though, this disruption is kept to a minimum. What’s more, the patch is absolutely seamless. When there are no seams, water is unable to penetrate the patched material and plant the seed for future damage.
This innovative approach to road repair can be used for more than just potholes, too. We’ve corrected sunken utility trenches, unwanted surface puddles, gouges, and those pesky defects on newly paved areas. If you’re curious whether we can improve your property’s pavement with thermal bonding, give us a call!
Infrared Thermal Bonding Saves You Money
Because thermal bonding makes use of the pavement that’s already on your road, you spend less money on new asphalt. All that’s needed is some emulsion to replenish any light oils that have oxidized away during the heating process, and a small amount of fresh asphalt.
When you’re making use of your existing pavement, you’re not only saving money on materials but you’re also taking the sustainable approach to road repair. Working with us is a win-win for your wallet and the environment!
The Twenty Minute Thermal Patch Approach
When using a truck-mounted or conventional infrared pavement heater, the process goes much more quickly than if the saw-cut method were being deployed. After positioning the thermal heating array over the damaged area for ten minutes, raking the softened asphalt, and mixing in the new materials, your patched area can be ready for traffic in as little as twenty minutes!
Contact A.A.T. Infrared, Inc. for a Quote on Infrared Patching!
Are you curious about our rates? Contact us today to speak with a representative! We’d love to hear from you.
Saw Cut Asphalt Patching
Saw cut asphalt patching is a technique used to repair damaged or deteriorated sections of asphalt pavement, such as potholes, cracks, or areas with structural issues. This method involves cutting out the damaged portion of the asphalt, preparing the area, and then filling it with fresh asphalt material. Here's a breakdown of the process:
- Assessment: The first step is to assess the extent of the damage. If an area of asphalt is severely cracked, potholed, or compromised structurally, it may require patching through saw cutting.
- Saw Cutting: A specialized saw is used to carefully cut around the damaged section of asphalt. The edges of the cut are usually straight and well-defined to ensure proper adhesion between the existing and new asphalt layers. Saw cutting creates clean edges that help prevent the new patch from separating from the existing pavement over time.
- Removal: After the damaged section is cut, the asphalt is removed using equipment like jackhammers, saws, or milling machines. This creates a void that will be filled with new asphalt.
- Preparation: The area where the damaged asphalt was removed is prepared for the new patch. This includes cleaning the area to remove debris, loose material, and dust.
- Compaction and Grading: The base of the void is compacted to ensure stability and proper load-bearing capacity. If necessary, additional base material may be added to create a solid foundation. The area is also graded to match the surrounding pavement level.
- Application of New Asphalt: Fresh asphalt material is applied to the prepared area and compacted to achieve a smooth and even surface. The new asphalt is often hot-mixed asphalt, which is heated to a high temperature before being applied to ensure proper adhesion and compaction.
- Compaction: The newly applied asphalt is compacted using heavy machinery, such as a roller, to achieve the desired density and smoothness.
- Curing: The patch is allowed to cool and cure, typically for a day or two, before it is opened to traffic. During this time, the asphalt hardens and gains strength.
Benefits of Saw Cut Asphalt Patching:
- Precision: Saw cutting allows for precise removal of damaged areas, ensuring clean edges for the patch and reducing the risk of separation over time.
- Structural Integrity: By removing damaged asphalt and providing a solid base, saw cut patching restores the structural integrity of the pavement.
- Durability: Properly executed saw cut patches are more durable and long-lasting compared to surface-level repairs.
- Smooth Transition: Saw cut patches create a smooth transition between the new and existing asphalt, improving driving comfort and reducing the potential for tripping hazards.
- Professional Appearance: Saw cut patches result in a neater and more professional-looking repair compared to less precise methods.
Saw cut asphalt patching is commonly used by paving contractors to address localized asphalt damage and extend the lifespan of the pavement. It's essential to have this type of work done by experienced professionals to ensure the repairs are effective and long-lasting
If you would like to know more about us or have any questions about our paving services, please give us a call or send us an email. We can’t wait to hear from you!