Specializing in Asphalt and Concrete Construction and Pavement Services

Janesville Mudjacking / Concrete Lifting

Mudjacking / Concrete Lifting is a great option for uneven concrete sections, sidewalks, garage floors, foundations. The process is to drill portholes in the concrete to allow for the concrete grout to be installed through a pump with a hose that allows it to flow. This will create a sub grade pressure moving the concrete in a vertical position, alliviating the trip hazard. The portholes are then plugged with concrete and the area is ready for use.


Sealcoating & Crackfilling Services – Since 1999 Contact us now for a free estimate 815-966-0164 or quotes@aatinfrared.org We use only top quality materials and experienced applicators. Sealer emulsion with sand and latex and hot joint sealant. Commercial or Residential Receive 10% off if you respond by 6-15-24 Please mention this offer

Start date: 2024-05-07

End date: 2024-06-15

Concrete Lifting / Mud-jacking Lifting uneven or sunken concrete Since 1999 By pumping concrete grout mixture to reduce trip hazard Commercial or Residential Contact us before 6-15-24 Receive a 10% discount when you mention this offer. 815-966-0164 or quotes@aatinfrared.org

Start date: 2024-05-07

End date: 2024-06-15